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  michael jackson《the way you love me》的前奏响起。
  “i was alone in the dark when i met you,
  you took my hand and you told me you loved me,
  i was alone there wasn’t love in my life,
  i was afraid of loving' you came in time,
  you took my hand and we kissed in the moonlight,
  i like the way how you holding me,
  (it doesn’t matter how you are holding me),
  i like the way how you loving me,
  (it doesn’t matter how you are loving me),
  i like the way how you touching me,
  (it doesn’t matter how you are touching me),
  i like the way how you kissing me' you’ll see,
  (it doesn’t matter how you are kissing me),
  英洛承的声音低沉,娓娓道来,没有原曲甜蜜轻快,更像是在倾诉衷肠。 ↑返回顶部↑
